Some pregnancy updates:
1. The babies have started to move like crazy this week. I can feel them throughout the day, but when I lay down at night it feels like there is a soccer game going on in there! I can't yet distinguish who's kicking when but hopefully in the next few weeks I will be able to tell who has the harder kick.
2. As we're nearing the end of the school year and plans are being made for what classes I'll be teaching, it's becoming more real that I will be leaving my babies not long after they make their arrival. This has resulted in my first tinges of parental guilt. I'm sure this is only the start of many many things that will make me feel this way as a parent, but it has kept me awake at night thinking of who might be taking care of them in my place during the day. As soon as school is out (2 weeks!!), I will be looking very seriously for someone worthy of watching them.
3. My students have been increasingly commenting on my ever-growing size. In fact, one of the special ed. students that occupies my room during my planning period welcomed me Wednesday morning by saying "Boom, boom, boom" with every step I took into the classroom!
4. My growing belly has also caused me to realize that I don't think the maternity clothes I have been accumulating over the last month are going to fit for a whole lot longer. I figure by July, I will be stuck with workout shorts and Zac's tshirts...
5. I have found that my favorite way to get a good walk in is to mow the front yard with the push mower.
Side note: Weed Peter has now discovered that we have a riding lawn mower. He was so impressed he said he was going to ask for his own for Christmas this year.
6. Our house is already being taken over with baby gear. We have been sooo blessed with family and friends gifting us with everything from swings and strollers to cribs and clothes that I haven't been able to keep up with it all. This weekend I will have to go into
major Clean This House mode and do some crazy organizing. I know Zac's feeling it too because last night he stayed up until midnight organizing the garage that had been transformed into the baby gear dumping ground.
Baby closet |
Living room full of baby gear...thanks John, Tammy, and Eli! |
The beginnings of the nursery. In need of some major color and decor. |
Seeing these side by side makes me smile everyday :) |
Marco and I (and some creeper driving by) at 22 weeks before Zac's Chamber of Commerce banquet |