
Monday, July 30, 2012

Mego Prego Week 34

34 weeks and still going strong! This week has been more of the same: lack of sleep, sore feet, swollen ankles and painful ribs, but nothing that has really kept me down and out completely.

Zac's mom came down for a visit this weekend so that gave me an excuse to get off the couch and get out and about a little more! We kicked the weekend off with a nod to the British--Olympics style. The Olympics have always caught my interest, probably because they were such a fun part of our childhood. I remember when Kristin and I would tape off the living room floor with masking tape to practice our balance beam routine in hopes of capturing a glimpse of the Magnificent Seven's grace. It was about the only thing that would keep us from running down to the beach if the Olympics just so happened to fall during vacation. And it taught me a lot about the world around us--not only pride in our own country but also about the freedoms that are lacking in others as we watched little girls prance across the floor with little choice. So, in celebration of the London Olympics we went to The Pub where they serve authentic British cuisine. We all ate a round of fish 'n chips and Zac enjoyed some other British classics.

Saturday, we ventured to Berea for some strolling and munching at the local eateries. Before we left, we stopped at the Boone Tavern for some photo ops--this will definitely be a place we will have take a little weekend getaway once we're ready. Any willing babysitters?

Sunday, we went on a drive around the Bluegrass and then wrapped up the night with a musical under the stars--Legally Blonde. Unfortunately, we didn't make it through the whole thing. Lying on a blanket on a nice night sounded relaxing but it quickly got quite uncomfortable and I had to call it quits for the night.

Talon Winery and Vineyards, Lexington

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Few Good Books

Zac and I were convinced by the Sam's Club cashier to buy these photo albums during our very first mega-club store trip as a married couple. It was one of those throw-it-in-the-cart-and-see-if-it-makes-it-to-the-cash-register items that certainly wasn't on the grocery list but seemed like a good deal. As we stood there debating whether it was a responsible use of a twenty dollar bill, the cashier (who must have noticed our newlywed angst) ensured us it was a good buy and that we would surely fill them up. I wasn't so sure. I was (and still am) the penny-pincher in the family and I had serious doubt. Would we really be able to fill over 1000 slots?

Fast forward five years later.  This morning I climbed up the ladder into the attic (shhh...don't tell Zac!) and dragged these dusty, somewhat hideous-colored albums down from a box of books and such that just didn't seem to have room in our Kentucky home. After a computer crash and an email for free photos from Shutterfly, I decided it was time to print out all those digitals and memorialize them in a more tangible way. In they went, one slot at a time until the third and last photo album was filled.

Five years later and we have accumulated over 1000 memories. From the sunsets on our honeymoon (the wedding got its own album of course) to a car crash that I thought for sure doomed us to economic failure to weekend get-aways in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee, North Carolina, Ohio, Kentucky, and Canada to multiple moving trucks to Marco eating, chewing, sleeping, dreaming, and smiling, they are all in these albums.

As I readied myself to climb back up that ladder and re-place them in the box, I couldn't help but tear up. Please tell me it is the hormones! But I really think it was the realization that we have had five. good. years. Five years that as we move onto a new era and new photo albums (which I still need to purchase...maybe there's a deal at Sam's?!), I know I can look back with joy knowing we spent five years investing in each other in a way that makes me feel confident in whatever comes our way--in bringing babies home to a loving, supportive, adventurous, flexible, tried and true family environment.

And so the albums found a place on a shelf that I will walk by every day, that our crawling little ones will pull off and hit his/her sibling with, that I will pull out when people come to visit. They deserve it.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Baby Belly Birthday

Turning 27 has been such a joyous time to remember how healthy and happy I am! Mom came down to celebrate and continue helping me nest, and we celebrated my birthday by going to an Italian restaurant in the next town over. I felt a little like a lame host because I just don't have the ability to go out and about for hours anymore, but I know she didn't mind. I have really slowed down this week as my legs have just about had it with carrying around 40+ extra pounds.

One of the highlights of my birthday week was a prenatal massage gifted to me by Cori, Austin, and Zac. Who knew there were spas that specifically catered to pregnant ladies? I can't remember ever seeing one of these places in any of the various locations we've lived before so I was pretty pumped when I saw this:

It looked intriguing but also looked like a place that I certainly couldn't afford. So when I received a gift card to Baby Belly Spa for my birthday, I was so excited. It was exactly what I needed: the plush robe and slippers, the lavender massage oil specifically intended to reduce swelling, the calming exotic music that took my mind off all I have left to do, and the massage that just melted all that tension and stress away. Ahhh! If only I could have one of those every week :)

 This week's checkup and non-stress test was incredibly uneventful, if not all together boring. After an hour at the hospital getting the NST, we met with the doctor who will be helping our midwife out with delivery and will be doing the c-section if it is necessary. I am measuring full-term, which I guess is reassuring in that it makes me feel a little more justified with the discomfort I'm experiencing. He said he doesn't expect me to go into labor in the next few weeks so they'll wait until then for another ultrasound to give the babies more time to get settled into place. That will probably be when the c-section vs. natural labor discussion becomes decision time. Two weeks seems like such a long time but I know how quickly it will go by and that soon Nolan and Caroline will be here.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Yard Salin'

I have been waiting for the perfect free Saturday morning to go yard saling all summer. It's crazy how quickly summer goes by and I knew I was running out of time. So this morning I set my alarm extra early, got up, and went to the suburbs of Lexington in the hope to find some good baby deals.

The mission: 3 months and beyond clothes for both and baby toys.

The result:

58 pieces of clothing and 9 toy items (plus a few cups of lemonade) for $32! I was actually quite surprised how evenly it turned out. I thought for sure I was picking out more girl than boy clothes because those girl clothes are just too irresistable, but I managed to find several name brand boy clothes I was excited about. 

My favorite and most fruitful stop was actually a sale advertised with a sign that read "Moving to Madagascar Sale". This family sold their beautiful house and everything in it so they could move to Madagascar with their three children (6 and under) to become full-time missionaries. Wow--what a brave and faithful family!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Just for Laughs

Zac has taken up a new hobby and somehow he has become the pied piper...

This is what Zac got me for my early 27th birthday present. It has come to this, but ohhhh do I appreciate it!! It is truly a miraculous thing when I can put my feet in this for a half hour and I can actually walk from one room to another without saying "Ouch ouch ouch" the whole way. I'm sure he appreciates it too.

Mego Prego Week 31

It's getting real up in here! Ha! This week I had my first pre-term pregnancy scare that led to a trip to the hospital. I thought my water broke which is one of those things that you never really think people can mistake...well, apparently I did. However, either I was so freaked out that my body thought it better do something or whatever happened really was a signal of trouble, I started having some majorly regular and close contractions while I was there. They give me one little pill and it slowed everything down so that I could go home and rest. Luckily, that is all it took. The next two days I had no contractions at all. Yesterday, the Braxton Hicks contractions came back to about the pace they've been the last few weeks so I wasn't real concerned. I have an appointment on Thursday so the doc can re-evaluate the situation and make sure everything is still going smoothly.

If nothing else, it was a major reality check that:
1) Even though I am feeling good and am seemingly healthy, carrying two babies makes your body on over-reaction mode and I need to take it easy.
2) I am definitely not as prepared for these little ones as I thought I was. I don't even have my hospital bag packed (which is happening today by the way)
3) Zac and I have been so caught up in the excitement and anticipation of these babies that we haven't really stopped to think about how drastically different our lives are going to be. Don't get me wrong...we are both so looking forward to having these babies around that our lives now pale in comparison. But still. So I think we've been a little more attentive and appreciative of each other and our time together this week.
4) Although we are so anxious for them to be here, it is way too soon for them to make their arrival into this world. So for now, I'll be delighted with their kicks and uncomfortable with their arms in my ribs and refreshed by their little faces on an ultrasound. Yes, that will do for now.

Now, fair warning. I have always told myself that I would not under any circumstances put a picture of my bare belly on my blog. I get slightly annoyed when others do it every week, I know some people are grossed out by it (such as my sister), and's just not pretty. However, this is just really too laughable to pass up. Zac and I went swimming at his dad's house for the 4th of July and this is what resulted. Yikes.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Nursery Sneak Peak

Here are some pictures to give you a little preview of what I've been working on the last few weeks. Enjoy!